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The Back to the Grind Story

Learn more about how we started, from our first roast to your now favorite cup of coffee. We're happy you're here.


Hi, I'm Mike. I've spent the better part of my life in search of the perfect cup of coffee. Over the years, I've had the privilege of searching out the best coffee in every city I've visited, finding the local spots and curating a mental list of my top picks.

Over 10 years ago, I made the jump into roasting my own coffee. I started by roasting on the balcony of my first apartment, much to the confusion of my neighbors. From there, my roasting set-up evolved to garages and back porches. But my neighbors continued to be confused, especially seeing me roast outside in the dead of winter. 

As times changed and life evolved, I found that one thing stayed the same — my favorite moment of every day continued to be the first sip of coffee in the morning. And as I honed my roasting skills, I realized that the perfect cup of coffee I was searching for was now being made every day in my own backyard. 

My goal is simple — I want to give you that same first-sip feeling. I want to make your life better, one coffee bean at a time. It doesn't get much better than local, freshly roasted, speciality coffee. And that's why Back to the Grind exists.

So grab your favorite coffee and fill up your mug. It's time to get back to the grind. 

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